Now select a category for
your random word:
Further reading...
Serendipity, Lost in the Digital Deluge
Hurry-up searches bypass Web wonder
The endangered joy of serendipity
Stephen Berlin Johnson: Can we just kill this meme now?
How it works

1. Enter your search term in the window
2. Select a category for your random word
3. That's it!

Your search + random word = great results!

With normal searching, there are many web pages that you'll never see. BananaSlug throws in a random word from a category of your choice and you get a whole new set of results. Your results all match your search term, but our added twist gives you something new every time!

About BananaSlug

BananaSlug is all about serendipity: finding the unexpected in the trillion+ web pages your search engine indexes. You ususally get the pages most relevant to your search term, based on the pages' popularity on the Web. You may never see some of the pages way down the list that are relevant or interesting, but off the beaten path.

So we give you a little boost. We "seed" your search with another word, chosen at random, and this accidental encounter results in pages you may have overlooked. What, if anything, do all the results have in common? You tell me!

We offer several categories of random words: The major arcana and suits of the Tarot, some themes of Shakespeare (From Hamlet and King Lear), words from "Angel Cards", first names, last names, jargon, archetypes, Laws of Spirit, Adler's Great Ideas, random numbers, emotions, the NATO phonetic alphabet and colors. Our newest addition is sculptor Richard Serra's "Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself".

One more thing... if plain old search doesn't return many results for your search, BananaSlug's seeded subset won't either.

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©Copyright 2009 Steve Nelson, Tradelast LLC